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A Zaidi Shiite movement operating in Yemen. It seeks to establish a democratic government in Yemen.


represents the second largest denomination of Islam. Shiites believe Ali (peace be upon him) to be prophet"s successor in the Caliphate.


Axis of Resistances refers to countries and movements with common political goal, i.e., resisting against Zionist regime, America and other western powers. Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Palestine are considered as the Axis of Resistance.
Persian Gulf Cooperation Council

Persian Gulf Cooperation Council

A regional political u n i o n consisting of Arab states of the Persian Gulf, except for Iraq.


Taliban is a Sunni fundamentalist movement in Afghanistan. It was founded by Mohammed Omar in 1994.
  Wahhabism & Extremism

Wahhabism & Extremism

Wahhabism is an extremist pseudo-Sunni movement, which labels non-Wahhabi Muslims as apostates thus paving the way for their bloodshed.


Kurds are an ethnic group in the Middle East, mostly inhabiting a region, which spans adjacent parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. They are an Iranian people and speak the Kurdish languages, which form a subgroup of the Northwestern Iranian branch of Iranian languages.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.
Islamic Awakening

Islamic Awakening

Refers to a revival of the Islam throughout the world, that began in 1979 by Iranian Revolution that established an Islamic republic.


A militant Sunni organization founded by Osama bin Laden at some point between 1988 and 1989
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Map of  Latest Battlefield Developments in Syria and Iraq on
Israeli Ships Not Safe Even in Indian Ocean, Warns Ansarullah Spokesman

Israeli Ships Not Safe Even in Indian Ocean, Warns Ansarullah Spokesman

Friday 15 March 2024
Bab-el-Mandeb Strait. Yemen says it will continue its attacks as long as Tel Aviv continues its barbarous war on Gaza. Western allies of Israeli regime, headed by the US, formed a naval coalition in December to check Ansarullah attacks in defense of Israeli interests, but so far they have failed i ...
Yemen’s Foreign Ministry: UNSC’s Condemnation of Red Sea Operations ‘Shameful Failure ’

Yemen’s Foreign Ministry: UNSC’s Condemnation of Red Sea Operations ‘Shameful Failure ’

Tuesday 19 March 2024 ،
Bab-el-Mandeb Strait. Shortly after the ban was implemented, Israel began to feel the strains as it faced riding prices due to goods shortages in its markets. The US and Britain formed a coalition in December to protect the Israeli interests by launching strikes in Yemen. But their campaigns has s ...
Yemen’s Hypersonic Missile, A Kill Shot to Israel Maritime Trade

Yemen’s Hypersonic Missile, A Kill Shot to Israel Maritime Trade

Friday 22 March 2024 ،
Bab-el-Mandeb Strait in the past months in support of the people of Gaza. The Yemeni armed forces have pledged that as long as the Israeli regime does not stop its attacks on the Gaza Strip and the massacring of the people of this region, they will continue to attack the ships of this regime or the ...
Anti-Israeli Strike Augmented Iranian Popularity in Arab World: Expert

Anti-Israeli Strike Augmented Iranian Popularity in Arab World: Expert

Thursday 18 April 2024 ،
Bab-el-Mandeb developments. The US is incapable of reopening this strait to the Israeli ships and even protect its security after several months amid Yemen's ban on Israeli ships and ports in solidarity with Gaza. So, it certainly cannot secure flow of oil to the world markets should a massive w ...
Israeli Weakness and Wrong Arab Diplomacy for Gaza War

Israeli Weakness and Wrong Arab Diplomacy for Gaza War

Saturday 27 April 2024 ،
Bab-el-Mandeb Strait.  Resistance groups in Iraq and Lebanon for their part launch their missile and drone attacks on the Israeli positions and American military bases in Iraq and Syria. Reports by Israeli media suggest that for the fear of Lebanese Hezbollah attacks, so far 70,000 Israelis fl ...
What Are Consequences of Turkish-Israeli Trade Halt?

What Are Consequences of Turkish-Israeli Trade Halt?

Sunday 5 May 2024 ،
Bab-el-Mandeb Strait by Yemen's Ansarullah, as well as the repeated attacks by resistance groups on the regime's ports, has greatly increased the costs and time of transporting goods from the world markets to the occupied territories, fueling inflation. End of economic honeymoon  In s ...
Clues of New Foreign Division Sowing in Sana’a-Aden Economic Battle

Clues of New Foreign Division Sowing in Sana’a-Aden Economic Battle

Monday 10 June 2024 ،
Bab-el-Mandeb Strait and the Red Sea on ships from and to the Israeli regime and repeatedly attacked Israeli and allied British and American ships.  Referring to the destructive impacts of decisions by the Aden-controled central bank on peace and triggering a civil war, al-Houthi said: What dr ...
Russia in Africa: What’s Moscow after in Sudan?

Russia in Africa: What’s Moscow after in Sudan?

Monday 1 July 2024 ،
Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, can be a more attractive position for Russia to be present in the Horn of Africa, the Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean, but Sudan is still an important choice for Moscow to rebuild presence in the Red Sea. Western media report that Russia, along with its negotiations with Sudan, h ...
Yemen’s Ansarullah, a Defenite Sea Power

Yemen’s Ansarullah, a Defenite Sea Power

Saturday 6 July 2024 ،
Bab-el-Mandeb is one of the most strategic waterways in the world. After straits of Hormuz and Malacca, Bab-el-Mandeb is the largest and most pivotal transit routes for oil, through which more than 6 million barrels of oil and about 4 percent of the world's total oil flow pass every day. Beside ...
Yemeni Ansarullah’s Deeper Involvement in Regional Equations via Baghdad

Yemeni Ansarullah’s Deeper Involvement in Regional Equations via Baghdad

Wednesday 10 July 2024 ،
Bab-el-Mandeb Strait and accessing the Red Sea, Yemen plays a key role in East-West trade. In recent months, Ansarullah with its missile operations and zeroing the navigation of the Israeli ships in the Red Sea showed that the world needs to interact with Sana'a, and isolating Yemen from regiona ...




Ashura ceremony in holy Mashhad

Ashura ceremony in holy Mashhad